Website Evaluation Games


Help your students master the criteria for evaluating websites! 

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Do your students think that just because they Googled™ it, they can trust it? If so, this standards-based lesson gets them looking at the internet with a critical eye. During this lesson, your students will use criteria to evaluate websites they plan to use for research. Not only to determine if they are trustworthy, but also to determine bias and intended audience.


  • FILL IN THE BLANK: students complete a blank RADAR poster with the evaluation criteria.
  • CRITERIA SORT: students sort the criteria into 2 categories: 1 that is how we know we can trust a website, the other is how we know we don’t trust a website
  • WORKSHEET: students circle the criteria that identifies how we know to trust a website

👉🏼 To download the materials be sure to click the link and then click the download arrow in the upper right hand corner. This will save the files to your computer.

👉🏼 This resource includes links to digital resources. Click the links to get your own copies.

👉🏼 Watch this video to see the digital worksheet in action 

👉🏼 Watch this video to see the digital sort in action 

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Copyright © Vr2lTch

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


It includes:

  • Standards-based lesson that outlines how to help students retrieve previously learned information about website evaluation criteria and guide them to make choices to further learn the criteria.
  • Website Evaluation Criteria poster. Uses RADAR. Available in black & white; perfect for individual student copies. Great for a notebook!
  • Digital Choice Board: assign the choice board to students. Links are already included which means you don’t have to prep a thing! 
  • 2 TRUTHS & A LIE ACTIVITY: directions & recording sheet to play this game with students as a fun warm up or wrap up activity
  • WEBSITE EVALUATION BLOOKET: play the game with students to review the criteria; great for a warm up, independent work, or a wrap up activity.
  • SELF-CORRECTING GAME: students answer multiple choice questions about website evaluation criteria.


This activity meets the following standards:


  • Recalling prior and background knowledge as context for new meaning


  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways..


  • Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.