Design a Social Media Brand


Inquiry and standards based activity that teaches students what a brand is and how to apply the concept to social media.



Products Included in this Bundle:


Even our youngest students want a YouTube Channel, Instagram or SnapChat account. Many of them may already have one! Students’ personal social media use outside of school can frequently impact learning when in school. After downloading this resource you will receive handouts and a digital activity for upper elementary students to positively and intentionally promote themselves through the concept of personal branding?

👉🏼 This resource includes links to digital resources. They are linked on page 3. Click the link to get your own copies. 

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Copyright © Vr2lTch

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


This resource includes:

  • Standards Based lesson 
  • What Doesn’t Belong Activity
  • Personal Branding Brainstorming Sheet
  • Brand Elements Poster
  • Branding Examples 
  • Design Your Profile Planning Sheet
  • Digital Activity that walks students through designing a personal social media brand