
TEACH DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP SKILLS TO STUDENTS AS THEY USE SEESAW™! Students’ first experience with Digital Citizenship is in school, when they use learning management systems. In today’s interconnected world, it is more important than ever for young children to learn how to clearly communicate with others online.

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Products Included in this Bundle:


Using process posters, rubrics, and reflection sheets helps us explicitly teach digital citizenship skills to young learners. We want them to use learning platforms well, AND we want them to later apply those skills in other digital environments outside of school. Single point rubrics, checklists, and reflection sheets help students continuously refine those necessary skills

Before students can engage in high level communication through digital platforms, they need to know how to use it well. That’s why we need to support them as they learn the process of using a digital platform like Seesaw™. Young learners need repetition and visual guides to internalize the procedure of adding a new post on their own. 

👉🏼 Read about how I use this rubric here.

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Copyright © Vr2lTch

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


AFTER downloading this resource you’ll get:

Color and Black & White posters that show students how to create a post in Seesaw™. These are great to print in wall size posters or print for students to keep at their desk or in a folder. 

Checklist that helps students reflect on what makes a quality post when they record their learning.

Checklist with a reflection area to help students recognize what they are doing well when they create and post digital content.  

Single Point Rubric that helps older students reflect on what they did well and what they’d like to improve upon in the future. 

Want your students to use Seesaw AND help them learn and remember the steps so that they can post on their own? You are going to love the kid friendly layout and steps that help them do just that! 


This activity addresses the AASL, CSTA, CCSS, and ISTE standards.


AFTER downloading this resource you’ll get:

Color and Black & White posters that show students how to create a post in Seesaw™. These are great to print in wall size posters or print for students to keep at their desk or in a folder. 

Checklist that helps students reflect on what makes a quality post when they record their learning.

Checklist with a reflection area to help students recognize what they are doing well when they create and post digital content.  

Single Point Rubric that helps older students reflect on what they did well and what they’d like to improve upon in the future. 

Want your students to use Seesaw AND help them learn and remember the steps so that they can post on their own? You are going to love the kid friendly layout and steps that help them do just that! 


This activity addresses the AASL, CSTA, CCSS, and ISTE standards.