You will 💜love💜 using these achievement badges, bracelets, & stickers when students:
- Share information they learned from researching
- Take notes while researching
- Choose appropriate resources to complete interest based research projects
- Create strong research questions
- Identify types of sources
- Analyze resources that are a good fit for their research project
- Collect information about a specific topic from a trustworthy source
👉🏼 This resource includes pages that can be printed as a sticker sheet. These pages requires AVERY label 5160 and color ink.
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Copyright © Vr2lTch
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.
20+ Research Achievement Awards
- Color & black and white printable research achievement badges, perfect to add students’ achievement rings
- Color & black and white printable research achievement bracelets; just print, cut, & attach to students; wrists
- sticker sheet for students to wear that says “Ask Me About My #ResearchSkills’
- digital stickers perfect for uploading to digital assignments and learning management systems, or to use during distance learning
20+ Resource / Database Achievement Awards
- Color & black and white printable resource achievement badges, perfect to add students’ achievement rings
- Color & black and white printable resource achievement bracelets; just print, cut, & attach to students; wrists
- sticker sheet for students to wear that says “Ask Me About My #ResourceSkills
- digital stickers perfect for uploading to digital assignments and learning management systems, or to use during distance learning
20+ Research Achievement Awards
- Color & black and white printable research achievement badges, perfect to add students’ achievement rings
- Color & black and white printable research achievement bracelets; just print, cut, & attach to students; wrists
- sticker sheet for students to wear that says “Ask Me About My #ResearchSkills’
- digital stickers perfect for uploading to digital assignments and learning management systems, or to use during distance learning
20+ Resource / Database Achievement Awards
- Color & black and white printable resource achievement badges, perfect to add students’ achievement rings
- Color & black and white printable resource achievement bracelets; just print, cut, & attach to students; wrists
- sticker sheet for students to wear that says “Ask Me About My #ResourceSkills
- digital stickers perfect for uploading to digital assignments and learning management systems, or to use during distance learning