Coding Assessment and Reflection


Authentically assess primary students’ coding skills through play, purpose, and reflection. 


Grades: , , , Category: Type:

Products Included in this Bundle:


Engage students in play and problem solving while assessing their ability to write algorithms. After downloading this resource you will receive resources for primary students in PreK through Grade 2 to demonstrate and reflect upon their coding ability.

This resource can be used as a final assessment during a coding unit. It can also be used as stations. It is perfect for differentiating for a range of needs, interests and abilities, and gives students choice. 

👉🏼 To download the materials be sure to click the link and then click the download arrow in the upper right hand corner. This will save the files to your computer.

👉🏼 This resource includes links to digital resources. Click the link to get your own copies. 

👉🏼 Read more about coding with PreK  here!

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Copyright © Vr2lTch

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Please purchase additional licenses if you intend to share this product.


This resource includes: 

  • Standards Based lesson to guide you through setting students up for successful coding assessment. Standards listed below. 
  • Unplugged activity that helps review coding vocabulary and gets students prepared to be a programmer.
  • Directional Coding Planning Cards → these are perfect if you have robots that use directions, or arrows, to code. Available in black and white, and color to match 2 popular robots. Use these for students to plan their program before getting onto a robot.
  • Block Coding Planning Cards → these are perfect if you have tablets and the app Scratch Jr downloaded. Use these for students to plan their program before getting onto a tablet.
  • Assessment Task Cards → 37 ideas that can be used with the apps Daisy the Dinosaur or Scratch Jr, and robots like Code & Go Mouse, Bee Bot, Botley & Cubetto. These can be used to give students a specific task to perform during assessment OR as a station while students continue to learn how to code. Perfect for repeated use and giving students choice in learning and assessment. 
  • 4 Digital Reflection Sheets → 4 different styles that allow you to differentiate for your students’ reading and writing abilities. Includes a direction slide for using the digital reflection sheets in Google or Seesaw.
  • 4 Print Reflection Sheets → 4 different styles that allow you to differentiate for your students’ reading and writing abilities. These are a great option for also communicating with families what students are learning and their coding progress.
  • Slideshow to facilitate the lesson. Includes a review of coding vocabulary, unplugged coding activity video, editable choice board, task slide, and reflection slide.


This activity meets the following standards:


  • Generating products that illustrate learning.
  • Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.


  • Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.


  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Attend to precision.


  • Develop programs with sequences & simple loops to express ideas or address a problem 
  • Decompose problems into smaller manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process
  • Test & debug a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended


This resource includes: 

  • Standards Based lesson to guide you through setting students up for successful coding assessment. Standards listed below. 
  • Unplugged activity that helps review coding vocabulary and gets students prepared to be a programmer.
  • Directional Coding Planning Cards → these are perfect if you have robots that use directions, or arrows, to code. Available in black and white, and color to match 2 popular robots. Use these for students to plan their program before getting onto a robot.
  • Block Coding Planning Cards → these are perfect if you have tablets and the app Scratch Jr downloaded. Use these for students to plan their program before getting onto a tablet.
  • Assessment Task Cards → 37 ideas that can be used with the apps Daisy the Dinosaur or Scratch Jr, and robots like Code & Go Mouse, Bee Bot, Botley & Cubetto. These can be used to give students a specific task to perform during assessment OR as a station while students continue to learn how to code. Perfect for repeated use and giving students choice in learning and assessment. 
  • 4 Digital Reflection Sheets → 4 different styles that allow you to differentiate for your students’ reading and writing abilities. Includes a direction slide for using the digital reflection sheets in Google or Seesaw.
  • 4 Print Reflection Sheets → 4 different styles that allow you to differentiate for your students’ reading and writing abilities. These are a great option for also communicating with families what students are learning and their coding progress.
  • Slideshow to facilitate the lesson. Includes a review of coding vocabulary, unplugged coding activity video, editable choice board, task slide, and reflection slide.


This activity meets the following standards:


  • Generating products that illustrate learning.
  • Problem solving through cycles of design, implementation, and reflection.


  • Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.


  • Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
  • Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • Model with mathematics.
  • Attend to precision.


  • Develop programs with sequences & simple loops to express ideas or address a problem 
  • Decompose problems into smaller manageable subproblems to facilitate the program development process
  • Test & debug a program or algorithm to ensure it runs as intended