Elephant Virtual Field Trip


Let students get up close and personal while on an elephant virtual field trip! They’ll experience elephants first hand, jot their observations, and can even extend their learning with short informational passages!


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Give students a first hand experience of what it’s like to be an elephant! This no prep lesson gives students an interactive research experience as they learn what elephants do and consider their role in our world. This activity makes research up close and personal for students through 360 Virtual Reality. 

After downloading this resource you will receive print and digital resources for students to research elephants. You get to choose if you want students to complete this research activity in Google Slides™, Seesaw™, or with printables and a QR Code.


I have used this activity with students as young as 3 in PreKindergarten and as old as 11 in Grade 5. They all had a lot of fun and really enjoyed it!

💜 I have used this activity with students as young as 3 in PreKindergarten and as old as 11 in Grade 5. They all had a lot of fun and really enjoyed it!

👉🏼 To download the materials be sure to click the link and then click the download arrow in the upper right hand corner. This will save the files to your computer.

👉🏼 This resource includes links to digital resources. Click the link to get your own copies. 

👉🏼 Read about using Augmented and Virtual Reality to teach research skills here!


This resource includes: 

  • Google Slides™ activity → Use this to guide the virtual research process with students or assign it for a self-paced activity. This slideshow includes an energizer, digital choice board, digital note-taking, reflection questions, and teacher notes. 
  • Seesaw Activity™ → After you add the activity to your Seesaw Library™, just assign it to students. It includes a digital choice board, recording sheets, and a coloring page.
  • Print Choice Board → Print out this choice board and either laminate it or put it in a sleeve protector (for repeated use). Students scan the QR Code of the 360 Video they want to use for research. 
  • Print Note Taking Sheets → Students record what they learned and want to learn more about it. Also includes an elephant to color! 
  • Suggested picture books to read-aloud→ Don’t waste time searching the net for picture books to read. I’ve done that work for you! Just browse the book covers to see which one will meet your students’ needs. 
  • Elephant Coloring Page → Great way for younger students to practice their fine motor skills! 
  • Standards-based lesson → Just print and follow along! 
  • Personality quiz for students to learn what type of elephant they are.
  • All About Elephants passages with questions and note-taking sheets.
  • Directions to draw an elephant. 


This standards – based activity gives students choice and meets the following standards:


  • Collect information representing diverse perspectives.
  • Read widely & deeply in multiple formats.


  • Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.

This activity also addresses ISTE Standards for Students.