Chicken Little and the Big Bad Wolf: #bookstagram Book Review

Chicken Little and the Big Bad Wolf

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Chicken Little and the Big Bad Wolf is such a great book.

Just because wolves typically eat chickens, does that mean that all wolves eat chickens? Is this wolf really any different from every other wolves? Will he eat Chicken Little?

Or should Chicken Little not judge a book by its cover?

And can we talk about the tongue in cheek humor?

Like calling Chicken Little that particular name? It’s pretty silly because he definitely is a bit of scaredy. And he is on the tiny side.

Plus the fun detective work that Chicken Little engages in is a definitely a chuckle!

Are looking for a book that talks about not prejudging others, how not to avoid group think, or ways to include others? Then this is a book for you!

Lesson Idea

Before reading the book, have children talk about a time they saw someone be excluded. They could even talk about their own personal experiences!

After reading have students:

  • Draw pictures of what it looks like to include others who have been exiled.
  • Brainstorm ways to include others.
  • Use Canva to create a poster for how to be friendly and inclusive. They could also create an Instagram graphic in Canva!