Kick off the school year in the library media center with these goal setting & reflection sheets. They show off All About Me, but with a library twist! They share books they’ve read, library activities they loved in the past, and what they’re looking forward to in the upcoming year.
Students reflect on their reading habits, interests, and preferences. Then they set goals for the current year. This is also a great activity to complete in those last weeks of school when students reflect on all that they have read and accomplished in the Library Media Center.
This activity has students flexing their creative side while giving them voice and choice from day one! After downloading this bundle you will receive printables and digital handouts for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade students to reflect and goal set.
👉🏼This resource includes links to digital resources. Click the link to get your own copies.
👉🏼Read more about goal setting with students in the library here!
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