Fourth Grade will excitedly set goals for their upcoming year by learning about different series available in the library. They’ll identify their own experiences and consider experiences that are different from those. Then, they’ll choose series that provide windows to new experiences.
I like using this activity on the first day of school. It can also be used any time you introduce the concept of Books As Windows to students.
They’ll also learn how to sit and listen to a story, transition from a story to independent work, and how to work independently. After downloading this resource you will receive print and digital activities for Grade 4 to learn about the library, series of interest, and set library goals.
👉🏼 To download the materials be sure to click the link and then click the download arrow in the upper right hand corner. This will save the files to your computer.
👉🏼 This resource includes links to digital resources. Click the link to get your own copies.
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Copyright © Vr2lTch
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
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