A couple of times a month, I send out tips and tricks that help simplify your life in the library while keeping it FUN and manageable. Below is an archive of previous newsletters. When you sign up for my newsletter, you’re the first to get it, know when there’s a sale coming, and get FREE resources.
Collaborative Learning Strategies
Tips & tricks for creating safe and inclusive libraries.
Digital Well-Being Resources
Help young digital citizens manage how they spend time on and offline.
Resources to Build Belonging
Picture books that help students create supportive and inclusive spaces.
Day One Fun for Inclusive Libraries
Infuse fun and teach routines from the first day of library class.
Back-to-School Must-Haves
Make your back-to-school season the best yet with low to no-prep plans.
Rethinking Reading Rituals
Tips and tricks to honor every students' reading preferences.
School-Friendly Student Usernames
Set the stage for fun and friendly digital learning with student usernames.
The Importance of Perseverance
Tips & tricks to model and teach kids to persevere when things get tough.
Critial Literacy with Virtual Field Trips
Go around the world and teach critical literacy from the comfort of the library.
3 End-of-Year Ideas that are FUN
When you need something quick and fun to do, while connecting to literature.
Literacy-Based Monthly Bundles
Connect multi-media literacy and monthly themes with little to no-prep!
Should You Quit Your Job?
Things to consider before you finalize a decision to move on to new adventures.
How to Simplify Planning
Has planning for multiple classes and grades wiped you out? 3 strategies help!
Prepare for the Hour of Code
Low- to no-prep coding resources that get kids moving and connecting.